

The corridors were slim, lined with the deceased resources that marked the lands of conquest.

A slim figure arose from the shadows which marked the entrance and portal into the outside world which was so often though about.

"Do you come with the desire to kill?"

The figure answered back lethargically "I come with an intent to know of the desire to kill."

"Allow this man bread and wine."

It was on that day that a man had walked across the deserts and into the halls of old.


The sky was a blazingly distant and dark thing for me that day. A blessing from the gods long forgotten. I looked upon them and saw in plain writing the different forms of life, and as well I saw my reflection being inflected upon itself with dim stature. I was a dwarf within this dwarfed figure of unity and dissension. Pax and discord, the disfigured corpse of ancient empires of man and the dissonant cacophony of the yelling of the cicada. Squabbles of fire in the emptiness we as a species think of as space. A breakdown of confusion in which no life can be held but unity can be sustained, we think of them as the other planets. The others. The ones from which no thing can be thoroughly conflicted yet nothing will ever reflect upon.
I looked back down, and then finally away from myself all together. These are the sudden outbursts of thought I must go through now. There was no drug or activity I could partake in. I wanted life and the brusque opportunity it can give me. I didn't want responsibilities, let alone to be programmed. I see it every day. I see the dull glazes in the eyes of those who have been trained to think certain ways. They can only think with the logic the others gave them. This is what I try to avoid and I escape it through my lack of concentration.
I would like to look up at the faces of some of the girls and point out the things they do that are put on. I would like to tell them that their grade in this class means nothing considering they are dirt for a piece of unity blanketed inside nothing. Can you find meaning in this life? Yes, you can convince yourself of it. You can convince yourself of others ways. They need to stop that, alone. They need to find their own ways and not the others. If they could do this they'd find the real way. I wish to not be heaved into what others want, but I am. I am human.
This is a short summarization of but only a few things I would like to think about constantly but cannot. Must of all I would to discuss someday this introspection and see if the people around me can dissect their very soul as easily as I can. I live in bias and I know it. Revel in it and you will find your tastes. Drink it and you will taste your grave. Lower your head into it so it can burn off your hair. Swim upon it and you will drown in it's depth. If other people can look into these things I know for sure man is doomed. Make this be a deciding factor, tonight I will most likely die.


"Stop that"

"I come with the gifts of labor, you will find strength in my commanding."

"Find a courageous man among you so I can slaughter him easily."


"Allow me to find myself pink and tingled"

"Break free of your tangerines and allow your ankles to widen with greed"

"Break open your skull and have fun with it"

"Don't open the door at night for the rapist always hunts"

"No me importa"

"Foolish you are for it then"

"Foolish you are for my death is marked by the slaughter of innocent"

"I take it as a bargain and not as a warrant"

"Take it as you will for reality affects the outside and later seeps to the in"

"The hermetic live only for the glow of avoiding such"

"Then you surely will die a bigger fool than I"

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