
A Dragon Story

It was a dark and stormy night. Everything was still. There was a guy sitting in the bushes. A carriage rode by and on that carriage were some very angry people. They didn't know the man was there, so they began to yell at each other. Lightning struck and the woman noticed the man in the bushes. She yelled and told him to come out of the bushes. He started walking in the opposite direction. When he came upon a creek he could still hear the yelling woman, but very faintly and it only seemed to grow quieter. He stuck his hands in the water and it was very cold. It was then that he briefly considered suicide, but he couldn't decide on a way to do it so he just kept walking alongside the creek. After a while it quit raining and he decided to walk back towards the road, but before he got there something bright flew through the trees. He walked over towards it and saw that it was an egg. He then tried to crack that egg, and a dragon spilled out.

DRAGON: Hello, I am the dragon of chaos.
GUY: I'm trying to get back to the road.
DRAGON OF CHAOS: Which direction is it?
GUY: *points*
DRAGON OF CHAOS: Why do you want to go there?
GUY: I don't really know, it probably leads to a town.
DRAGON OF CHAOS: You don't know if it does or not?
GUY: No, not really.
DRAGON OF CHAOS: How do you know there's a road there then? Have you been there before?
GUY: Yes I was just there.
DRAGON OF CHAOS: How did you get there?
GUY: I don't know.
DRAGON OF CHAOS: What do you mean?
GUY: I mean I don't know. Listen, how did you end up here?
DRAGON OF CHAOS: I couldn't see anything, I had no idea what was happening.
GUY: We're both so clueless
GUY: Would you like to go to the road with me?

So Guy and the dragon walked back to the road. When they arrived the sun was beginning to rise.

DRAGON: I think I can fly, but I haven't tried yet.
GUY: You should try
DRAGON: Alright

The dragon flew a little bit.

GUY: Alright, let me get on you.

Guy got on the dragon and they flew up really high. They saw some smokestacks coming from a house in the middle of the forest, and decided to head towards it. When they landed in front a big man walked outside.

BIG MAN: Go away.

The Dragon of Chaos then blasted him with a chaos beam and licked up his ashes. When he swallowed them he shivered a little. Guy went into the house and found a beautiful woman sleeping on the couch with a book on her lap. He awoke her with a kiss and then they had sex. The dragon gave her a potion which shortens pregnancy to nine hours. A few hours later they had sex again. Then in the evening as she became ready to birth the child Guy carried her up to the bathtub. The baby was stuck so they got the dragon to stick his tail through the bathroom window and slap it onto her baby to push it out. He did and all they heard was a cracking noise. Guy grew impatient and reached in to pull it out. It wasn't a baby, it was another egg.

GUY: I'm going to crack this egg a little more so the dragon can get out.
DRAGON OF CHAOS: Don't you do it.
GUY: I'm going to do it.

Guy cracked the egg and the dragon inside of it was the Dragon of Water. This is Guys least favorite element so he decided to just kill the dragon. He was really tired by then since he hadn't slept at all the night before.

GUY: Hey look, I'm a little tired.
DRAGON OF CHAOS: Why did you kill that dragon?
GUY: Why does it matter? Do you really fucking care about a stupid dragon of water?
DRAGON OF CHAOS: You're so insensitive.
GUY: Fuck off, I'm going to go to sleep. Hey lady, care for another round before bedtime?
LADY: No, you killed my dragon.
GUY: Fuck both of you, fuck your mothers. I'm going to go downstairs.

Guy walked downstairs and crawled into bed and it was there that he once again considered suicide, but he fell asleep instead. When he woke up neither the Dragon of Chaos or the Lady were there anymore. When he went outside he found one of the dragons poops and he started crying. He ended up living in that house for twenty years or so until he decided to head into town to find a wife. He found one and they stayed together all their lives. They were only sort of happy.


A day in the life of Jack

Today began like a lot of days have lately, I got out of bed thinking that I had slept in way too late when really it was only 10 AM. The only reason I was even worried about sleeping in was because I had made some plans to spend time with Savannah. It wasn't for sure though, so I tried not to get my hopes up too high. It's kind of impossible not to. I booted up the computer and got on facebook to talk to her. It's not my preferred method of communication but it's better than nothing. We chatted a little, made some lovey remarks. She told me how she had a migraine. I could tell she wasn't feeling her best, and it made me sad that I couldn't make her feel better. She was at her dads house, waiting to be picked up by her mother so they could go to her vintage clothing store. This made me feel a little better since her mothers store is only a few blocks away from my house and I could easily walk there to bring her back. I still tried to keep myself from getting my hopes up, and it's a good thing I did. We both found out that her mothers store isn't even open on mondays and that her mother was actually taking her to target. Savannah never plans things out, even if you tell her to. By now I'm a little used to this disappointment and I don't hold it against her. I like her the way she is. Barring these events, I had a pretty good day. After quite a bit of time spent doing nothing, I got a few texts from her explaining how we could for sure spend the day together tomorrow. I'm going to give her all of the warmth I have in my body. My mood is the best it's been all day and I'm beginning work on a short stop-motion movie.

A day in the life of Ben.

I woke up today at 6 in the morning and then set my alarm clock to go off at 6:10. I was in bed for 10 minutes enjoying myself and then the alarm clock rang again. I set the alarm clock for 6:20 and enjoyed it a bit more. Then when it rang again I finally got up and went to take a shower. I usually don’t take showers so early.

I went to school around 8:30 or so and my first class started at 8:45. My first class was English and nothing happened in it at all.

My second class of the day was chemistry and we had to do a lab. I was assigned with two girls and we had to burn things and watch as they burned, then make up random things about what happened when they burnt. One girl kept trying to work the Bunsen burner but couldn’t get it going. She did eventually, though. The flame was too big and I told her she would burn the test tube that was being burnt but she just did it anyways (I later checked and it was quite burnt.) Later we had to burn some ethanol in a dish and she played around with the dish of burning ethanol. I told her to be careful, and stop messing around with it. “Don’t be so scared, it’s just fire,” she said. I was about to tell her that it wasn’t so much the fire more that I didn’t want to break the dish, but then immediately after she said that she dropped the dish full of burning ethanol and it got all over the floor. I stared at the table for a bit after that.

The next class of the day was psychology and we had a substitute. Immediately before entering the class I had a friend leave the class, look at me, give a thumbs up, and state, “Best substitute ever.” He was a young black man who laughed at everything. It took us about 15 minutes to do the roll because he made all of us spell out our names. When he got to me I stuttered while saying the j in “Benjamin.” I am not good at speaking. He asked for my middle initial and I felt depressed for a second and then answered “E.” The rest of the time we did nothing. I studied for a history quiz.

Next was Algebra II, where we went over a test. I got a 93 A on it. I was supposed to have gotten an 85 B, but everyone else did very badly and I ended up getting a 93 A. He gave us back the tests to go over them. I spent the whole class drawing a map of Europe onto the test. At the end of class he asked to pick them back up. When I handed mine to him I told him, “I hope you like geography,” but he didn’t seem to care. The guy next to me laughed a lot. It was a great drawing.

My fifth class is US history. We had a quiz today on the civil war, and a lot of people did badly. I’m not sure what I got on it but it was probably pretty bad. Afterwards my teacher talked about how he thought Stonewall Jackson probably had Asperger’s. He talked about Sherman killing southerners and I laughed. Everyone looked at me for a second.

After fifth period I had lunch, where I sat around on the grass with Asians. I ate a sandwich and had some of a kid’s fries.

My sixth class of the day was engineering where I played tetris the entire time while looking out to see if the teacher was watching.

My seventh class of the day was Latin and it was extremely boring. We pointed out verbs and named their person and number. I felt like I was dying. It was really boring. It went by very slowly. Afterwards I told the redheaded Jew next to me that the class was only getting worse and more depressing as time went on.

I came home around 3:45 PM and upon arriving I ate a Clementine and played Europa Universalis III. I had pizza for dinner around 5:30.


2 Poems by Jack Seely


How do you live with yourself
You act like such a slob
You live in your own filth
You don't have a job

You should apply yourself
Your grades are so low
Why don't you make an attempt
To not be bad at doing assignments

Did I ever tell you that I am satan
I have plans to kill you
But not right now
Right now I'm just teaching you to respect your elders

I am also convincing you to go to college
Listen to your grandmother when she says
That it's the best time of your life

I don't encourage drinking but if you want to drink, that's okay
I'm not gonna try to stop you if you're gonna do it anyways

And at the end of the year
Make sure to turn in all of your textbooks
And it's okay to look at porn a few times
But it's addictive so watch out

Girl Wants Attention

I saw this girl at lunch
She was sitting at my table
She had a scene haircut
She was queen of the table

Some kid went to the trash can
And said he saw a bee
At the trash can
The bee flew away from the trash can

It flew towards the girl
And she freaked out and ran around
I don't think she was actually scared
I think she just wanted attention



The corridors were slim, lined with the deceased resources that marked the lands of conquest.

A slim figure arose from the shadows which marked the entrance and portal into the outside world which was so often though about.

"Do you come with the desire to kill?"

The figure answered back lethargically "I come with an intent to know of the desire to kill."

"Allow this man bread and wine."

It was on that day that a man had walked across the deserts and into the halls of old.


The sky was a blazingly distant and dark thing for me that day. A blessing from the gods long forgotten. I looked upon them and saw in plain writing the different forms of life, and as well I saw my reflection being inflected upon itself with dim stature. I was a dwarf within this dwarfed figure of unity and dissension. Pax and discord, the disfigured corpse of ancient empires of man and the dissonant cacophony of the yelling of the cicada. Squabbles of fire in the emptiness we as a species think of as space. A breakdown of confusion in which no life can be held but unity can be sustained, we think of them as the other planets. The others. The ones from which no thing can be thoroughly conflicted yet nothing will ever reflect upon.
I looked back down, and then finally away from myself all together. These are the sudden outbursts of thought I must go through now. There was no drug or activity I could partake in. I wanted life and the brusque opportunity it can give me. I didn't want responsibilities, let alone to be programmed. I see it every day. I see the dull glazes in the eyes of those who have been trained to think certain ways. They can only think with the logic the others gave them. This is what I try to avoid and I escape it through my lack of concentration.
I would like to look up at the faces of some of the girls and point out the things they do that are put on. I would like to tell them that their grade in this class means nothing considering they are dirt for a piece of unity blanketed inside nothing. Can you find meaning in this life? Yes, you can convince yourself of it. You can convince yourself of others ways. They need to stop that, alone. They need to find their own ways and not the others. If they could do this they'd find the real way. I wish to not be heaved into what others want, but I am. I am human.
This is a short summarization of but only a few things I would like to think about constantly but cannot. Must of all I would to discuss someday this introspection and see if the people around me can dissect their very soul as easily as I can. I live in bias and I know it. Revel in it and you will find your tastes. Drink it and you will taste your grave. Lower your head into it so it can burn off your hair. Swim upon it and you will drown in it's depth. If other people can look into these things I know for sure man is doomed. Make this be a deciding factor, tonight I will most likely die.


"Stop that"

"I come with the gifts of labor, you will find strength in my commanding."

"Find a courageous man among you so I can slaughter him easily."


"Allow me to find myself pink and tingled"

"Break free of your tangerines and allow your ankles to widen with greed"

"Break open your skull and have fun with it"

"Don't open the door at night for the rapist always hunts"

"No me importa"

"Foolish you are for it then"

"Foolish you are for my death is marked by the slaughter of innocent"

"I take it as a bargain and not as a warrant"

"Take it as you will for reality affects the outside and later seeps to the in"

"The hermetic live only for the glow of avoiding such"

"Then you surely will die a bigger fool than I"
Disobeying my master would result in severe punishment (something so terrible I won't even write it here). He wasn't all bad though. Some days he would wake up in a good mood, and after preparing his breakfast, I would sit by the window with him, observing the other members of his species. Going into shops with signs I can't read, walking up to stations and refilling dark containers. It was days like these I truly felt happy, despite being away from my family and friends and everything familiar to me.

Now I have to build up courage to walk in tall grass, to make my way through bushes. I used to not even think about it, but I'm heavier now. Weighed down and black on the inside from all of the pressure. When you're young you have a certain amount of time to enjoy things before the pressure sinks in. You're forever born into a certain pair of clothes and they get less and less comfy as time goes on. It's like when you put cotton candy in your mouth and before you know it it's gone. You think about the taste, you almost feel like you can taste it again, but it is never as intense as it was the first time.

The day when everybody in my neighborhood turned into glass sculptures I wasn't even that upset. I didn't know what to do with all of the furniture. There was a ton of it and I was excited to have it, but I wasn't getting any ideas on what to actually do with it. At first being alone was fun, but after a few days I started to feel like I was in danger for some reason. There were no lawn mowers, no dogs barking, no cars driving by. I always felt like something was creeping up on me. While preparing meals in the kitchen I couldn't keep my eye off the dark hallway. I hid under my covers at night. I walked to town and saw actual people. I didn't tell anybody about what had happened in my neighborhood. I was selfish and wanted the privacy, the extra room. Why did I need it though? All of my time was spent being paranoid, looking over my shoulder. I was afraid to admit it: I was getting lonely. I finally told a few people. Close friends. I told them to come home with me, live in some of the houses. All of the utilities still worked fine, the electricity, the plumbing, the air conditioning. It was like living out some weird daydream.

~~~ //// ~~~

The princess treaded lava filled water as she watched the diamond-like eyes of the indians dancing the prairie nigger dances on rich white men as they die. She enjoyed the show but lacked proper knowledge of the polyrhythmic words the hunters shared for her. She ran from the area with the sun beaming on her back and she arrived in a small land unlike that she was used to. The indians continued to bleed for their own imaginations and the blood continued to produce the trees. A wild forest was made and it spanned from sea to sea. Eventually it reached the great golden city and there was where the princess dwelled. The city invested it's own entrails with blood diamonds and savage animals. Wolves climbed the vegetation and trees and made their way onto the starry sky. They merged and touched each other, and created the night sky. When the gold doesn't shine from the city the wolves crazy orgy is revealed, night. The trees swelled the gates and the masters of old scripture gave up on discovering a plausible cure. Their bones were frail and weak and the savage men roamed free. Indians took their land and gold and with it made their own empire upon bones and meat. Northern men came in form the mountains and stole from the indians, and the princess cried the golden cities into oceans. The gold was rusty now and the indians were tired. Old men gave way to youth and youth grew old and gave way again. Few survived the tense wars between the fairy children and the diamond goblins of the forest but the survivors grew hesitant for what they would discover upon their arrival into other free lands. They carried the bones of the dead on their backs and travelled to the cities of health and youth. There they gathered up the people of virtue and burned them, eating their rusted and boiled skins. No peaceful man remained in the world and no one mourned it. The wolves of the night gave up their gypsy orgies and the youth of night itself crumbled. Day was rusted and old and twilight, uncertainty itself, ruled. Plants gave way to the coldness and the surviving warriors ate their own meat. Upon rediscovery by alien men they were figured into caves and chased down to rivers. Men carried their bones on their backs and sailed down the rivers. The savages had left the world. The Golden Roman Men made settlement upon the dried and boiled skin of the dead and made shelter upon the rusted gold of day. The Men made ancient scriptures of magic and unleashed upon the sky a healing ray. The sky grew golden and youthful and the wolves came out from hiding and vigorously climbed to the heavens. Princes chased the stars higher and higher and they themselves had their ashes spread through the cosmos. Their blood is written in the sky and so is the blood of many others. The bones of the savages are written in the sky as well, seen at dusk. The meat of the weak was launched into the golden day, and grew old and moldy, creating clouds of old, only to deteriorate more over time. These clouds are written in the sky. The wine of the spoiled is also written in the sky. Drunkenly poured onto it's gold by the fools. The spoiled's stains are in the sky. This story is in the sky as well, written out in ancient scriptures from the city of gold, melded into itself upon it's boiling and scratching. These eyes are the sky, and this mouth is the sky's writing.
